Criterion.B Sponsors National Summit for Stream Realty

Criterion.B Sponsors National Summit for Stream Realty

Criterion.B was recently invited to sponsor the national Stream Realty Summit, a yearly event that brings together the company’s property transactional teams, management leaders and creative teams from across the U.S.

Stream hosted their company-wide summit at the Gaylord Texan’s bar and lounge, Glass Cactus, in efforts to provide a night of celebration for their employees, as well as their partnered vendors. The evening included live music, dinner, drinks and networking, overlooking Lake Grapevine. The event enabled the Stream Leadership team to give back to the company’s hard working employees, as well as showcase their vendor partners under one event.

Criterion.B, together with the marketing team at Stream Realty, currently manages both the content strategy and social media presence for the commercial office building, Trammell Crow Center. Thirty years ago, Trammell Crow Center was built, leaving its mark on the Dallas skyline as one of the most iconic developments in downtown Dallas. In 2018, extensive interior and exterior updates will transform this thirty-year-old commercial office tower into both a business and cultural hotspot, as well as a nighttime destination.

Ashley Tyndall, Director of Corporate Communications at Criterion.B, said, “We were so honored to help sponsor this event on behalf of our client and appreciate the work they are doing in the redevelopment of Dallas. We love working alongside the talented team at Stream.”






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