07.03.18Rebrand Refresh: The Importance of Auditing and Assessing Your Brand Brand identity is one of the most valuable assets of any business. On… READ MORE
06.05.18Building Buyer Personas: The Importance of Selling to a Targeted Audience From new regulations to advanced technology, the multifamily industry is constantly changing — and so too are your consumers. This is why it is only natural to change… READ MORE
05.29.18Design Corner: 6 Benefits of Infographics and Storytelling Through Stats In today’s technological world, people are inundated with content — digital, social, news, books, magazines — the list goes on. In… READ MORE
05.22.1820+ User Persona Examples, Templates, and Tips for Targeted Decision-Making Promoting a product without knowing who your target audience is — or what they want — is an impossible task. You… READ MORE
05.15.18Why Inbound Marketing Trumps Outbound in Commercial Real Estate Think about what your top source of new business leads was last year for your commercial real… READ MORE
05.01.18Commercial Real Estate Marketing Trends for 2018 Commercial real estate this year is a mixed bag, especially with the… READ MORE