Future Watch: Digital Marketing Trends of 2015 to Keep on Your Watchlist

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Future Watch: Digital Marketing Trends of 2015 to Keep on Your Watchlist

With the new year comes a lot of forethought and a fresh perspective. What’s in store for 2015? What goals can we set? How can we achieve them?

Any new business plan starts by assessing the environment and the opportunities ahead. And that’s exactly what this blog series will do!

With this five-part series, we’ll be surveying the digital marketing environment and making predictions for 2015. We’ll pinpoint opportunities and show you how to play them to your strengths. We’ve settled on the four trends we project to have the most impact and potential this year:

Customer Storytelling

Oftentimes, it can be hard to develop a brand story, especially if our product or service isn’t outwardly life-changing. This blog covers how consumers will tell brand stories in 2015.

New Data Collaborations

Hard and soft data, big and small data, quantitative and qualitative… no matter how you look at it, marketers must use both to find digital marketing success in 2015. This blog covers why hard and soft data will need to work together in 2015.

Content Creation = Way of Life

No longer is blogging merely a novelty marketing tactic. Instead, blogging has become essential to businesses in the digital age. This blog covers why content creation is becoming a journalistic process.

Location, Location, Location

Context awareness will be a major advertising trend to keep an eye on this year. As the name suggests, context-aware advertising takes into account your location (along with other publicized information) to serve you ads that are hyper-relevant, and thus, more likely to convert. This blog covers how location will drive digital marketing in 2015.


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